Monday, February 2, 2009

February In Focus Now Online

The AAA website is now featuring February Anthropology News In Focus commentaries under the themes "Reproductive Technologies" and "Reproductive Subjects."

Reproductive Technologies
The development and increasing availability of assisted reproductive and contraceptive technologies worldwide has dramatically impacted the ways in which families make reproductive choices. Here, five contributors examine such technologies and the political, social and economic contexts within which they are employed by parents-to-be, surrogates, gamete donors and healthcare providers in both public and private health sectors. See articles by Viola Hoerbst, Lara Braff, Emilia Sanabria, Suzanne Pelka and Kalindi Vora

Reproductive Subjects

Reproductive practices engender a variety of complex subjectivities that are locally experienced and articulated in compelling ways. Contributors to this series examine the construction of reproductive subjects through conception, pregnancy, birth and infant care, as well as contraceptive practices. Their commentaries provide insight into the diverse forms of personhood constructed through reproduction—from “credible” sexual assault victims, to “responsible” pregnant women, to parents as “informed consumers.” See articles by Sameena Mulla, Cecilia McCallum/Ana Paula dos Reis/Greice Menezes, Sallie Han, Ellen Lewin, Charlotte Faircloth and Rebecca Howes-Mischel.

Visit our website to read these articles today. Complete electronic access to February AN will be available soon via AnthroSource.

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